Quest Lists
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Play This… Not That!
It’s the holidays, a birthday event, or just a family gathering—everyone is sitting around, relaxing, letting the food digest and the drink course through...
Best Board Games to Play Outdoors
Don’t you just love the outdoors? Sometimes gamers get a bad rap for only participating in indoor activities. But I can vouch, gamers can...
2023: The Year of Discovering Old Favorites
This year has been a weird one. Somehow it’s halfway over and yet, there hasn’t been a lot that’s come across our collective radars...
Most Anticipated Board Games of 2022
2022 is in full swing and with a new year, comes new games! Every January the BGQ crew looks ahead to potential new board...
Best Board Games from 2015-Present
Many would consider from 2010 and on to be the decade to see some of the best board game released. Even condensing it down...
The Best Board Games of 2023
2023 has come and gone, but we decided to take one last look at the year. Tony and Brandon have already given their favorite...
Best Board Games from 2021
Alright, let’s do this. This year felt like the expansion year to 2020. The publisher realized that there were some serious rules lacking in...